Defender™ Ladders

Defender™ ladders provide easy and safe access to roofs and plant equipment. Defender™ ladders go beyond the simple step ladder, with portable ladders and all types of internal and external fixed ladders, including rung, step, caged and attic ladders.

  • Sturdy and durable
  • Lightweight and easy to install
  • Corrosion resistant
  • Fabricated and installed to Australian standards
Defender™ ladders are custom built to suit your workplace and among the common accessories are retractable safety rails and spring-loaded castors for easy relocation.

All Defender™ ladders meet either AS/NZS1892.3:1996 or AS1657:2013. To find out more about ladders and OHS compliance, speak with a Certified Defender Installer.

To make ladders safe and comfortable to use, we match them with Defender™ ladder stabilising brackets, guardrails, hand grabs, lockable gates and access hatches to suit your building and operations.

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